Layer settings
1- Text Layer
This layer accepts both text and attributes as input
Ex: Hello {{full name}}, Have a nice day!
Ex: {{phone number}}
You can change the font size, color, or anything else listed here:
You can also change the position of your layer, be noted that the Width and Height fields need to be filled with data.
2- Image Layer
Image Layer allows you to upload your own designs from your computer.
We have pretty similar settings to the Text layer settings shown above:
This Value (1) field could be filled with an attribute like {{avatar}} for instance
The Holder Value (2) is an image placeholder for the image in the Value (1) field.
3- QRcode Layer
QR code Layer: It'll generate a QR code for what you typed in the Value field
It could also be an attribute ( {{customer}} for instance )
4- Barcode Layer
Barcode Layer does a similar job to QRcode layer, except it will generate a barcode
An attribute works too!
Last updated