Table Ranking Config
In this section, you will configure Table Ranking
Title: Name of the Table Ranking
Logo: Logo of the Table Ranking. You can leave your brand Logo.
Style Color: Table color
Total User Visiable: Number of people shown on Table Ranking
Total 1 Page: Number of people displayed on 1 page of the ranking
Score Config
Score Config: is information that transmits points to the rankings
Name: Point name is calculated. VD: Score, play point....
Key: Attribute Transfer Points
IMG: Image of this score (If there is an IMG value, it will replace the text Name)
Sort: Sort by choice(Default is Max-Min)
Medal Config
Medal Config is the information section for the ordinal number of the Table Ranking
Name: Name of armorial
IMG: Image of armorial
After you have filled in all the information on the Table Ranking, select Update to Update config.
Last updated